Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I'm sorry!

I am embarrassed that I haven't updated this blog in over a month! I have been extremely busy and now I am back at work which will make it even harder. Plus, our computer is not the best and it now takes me forever to load pictures and add posts. Van is still growing and doing great! Riley is a great big sister and is doing great as well.

Van had some tummy trouble for a while but we switched his formula and (fingers crossed) it is working. He has slept through the night for 3 nights now and isn't having the horrible stomach pains he was having. Now that I am back at work it is a requirement that he sleeps through the night! He has gotten so big! He weighed 10 lbs 13 oz and was 22 inches long at his 2 month check up. I must say, I still worship this little guy! Just like Riley has Daddy wrapped around her sticky little finger......I have a feeling I will be the same with Van. He's just so precious. Every time I look at him I am am overjoyed. I am so lucky to have 2 of the best kids in the world! I am embarrassed to say I have a stupid nickname for him. It's "Bitty". I hope I come up with a better one down the road. Anyone that knows me knows I always have nicknames for people. Can't help it! I have called Van my "Bitty Boy" since he was born and it has sense shortened to just Bitty. I have no control over these things. I promise. My niece, Taylor, got stuck with the name "Bug" and no matter how hard I try she will always be Bug. What's done it done!
Riley (Baby) is turning into to such a grown up girl! She has fallen in love.....with Justin Beiber! This kid is obsessed! She talks about him constantly. It's too much, really. She's too young for that!! She does still love music and dancing. I am desperate to get her into dance classes but she has to be potty trained and I am begging her daily to get this potty thing under control so we can enroll in classes. She is halfway there but we still have some work ahead of us. I know she would love to be in dance! Baby has changed so much. She is very independent and wants to do everything herself. She gets that from me. She is also testing the waters as to how far she can push Mommy and Daddy. She is very challenging right now....that's putting it mildly. Thanks goodness she so stinkin' cute or it wouldn't fly in our house! At least it wouldn't with me....Daddy lets her get away with anything!

I will hopefully get some pictures loaded soon of Christmas and both kids. We need a new computer!!!

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