Thursday, February 25, 2010

Big Girl Room

Ok, maybe she's a little too young to have a TV in her room, but my brother gave us the TV and Grammy bought Riley a DVD player for Valentine's Day so.........what can I say? Riley loves it! She asks over and over and over and over to watch a "DBD on my TB". She likes us to change the DVD about every 30 seconds. She really doesn't sit and watch the TV for more than 10 or 15 minutes before she running around the house again squealing about her TV. She's a typical 2 year old and doesn't stay interested in one thing for too terribly long, but it is nice to have to occupy her for a few minutes while I get a few things done. Thanks Shane and Grammy for the presents! Riley is officially "spoiled"!
P.S. Clearly this room needs to be decorated! I love the color of it, but can't decide what to put in it. I'd hate to paint it. Any advice would be appreciated!


Tonya said...

I like the color too. You could do flowers for the decorations.

Unknown said...

I love rileys new bedspread!!! My mom showed it to me. She LOVES her tv, doesn't she?! Well can't wait to see you guys tonight!(:
Give Riley a kiss for me!(:
