Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"Go swimming?"

The Baby had a great time at a wedding that we went to in Minnesota. Dave's cousin, Ashley, got got married August 29th and we went to celebrate with the family. We stayed at a Holiday Inn Express, which has a really cool indoor pool. Our original room overlooked the pool and we had to switch with Dave's parents (Grandma and Papa) because Riley would not take no for an answer when she asked to "Go swimming?" a 1000 times. She actually asks if she can "Go swimming?" and it is so cute to hear the words. Her little voice is so cute! Sometimes she gets confused and says "Go swim go?". We knew it would be a nightmare if we were staring at the pool all weekend. She had a wonderful time running in the water and playing with her cousins, Avery and Blaine when we finally did go swimming. I prefer these kinds of pools because I am not forced to get into a swimsuit myself. I can stand in my clothes and chase after her with minimal water damage to my clothing.

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