Thursday, April 16, 2009

Survived the fussy spell

I'm happy to report that we survived the fussy few weeks that Riley had. Riley had her first ear infection and it was quite a tough few weeks. She had been extra crabby for about a week and a half and one afternoon Grandma thought she had a fever. I took her temperature that night and it was 103.4! The Baby has never been sick before so I panicked a little. She ran a fever over 103 for 3 whole days. She and I were up all night one night and I had to fight the urge to take her to the emergency room. She was so hot! She handled it pretty well during that part. I was surprised at how she was able to sleep for short periods of time. I couldn't sleep at all. I was a wreck! The next morning she seemed better, but during the day was the worst part. Everything made her mad. Everything! After about a solid week of crabby Baby we finally broke through. The doctor gave us some medicine for the ear infection and that seemed to help pretty quickly. However, that gave her a nasty rash. I couldn't take the stress and worry anymore so we took her to Urgent Care last Saturday. The doctor said it was nothing to worry about and she has been back to her wonderful self since then.
Riley has grown so much over the last month. Her words are becoming more clear and her voice is the sweetest thing I have ever heard! We all play on the floor with the dogs and she laughs so hard....FINALLY! She has never really laughed hard and I can't get enough of it. It's the most addictive thing I have ever encountered! Sometimes I wish this age would last forever.

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