Riley is 4 1/2 months old now and most of the time she is pure joy. However, it is the hardest thing I've ever done...taking care of her. She is a very demanding baby and requires a lot of attention. If her eyes are open and you aren't entertaining her she gets very mad. She likes to be held a certain way and can't stand to be put down. She will let me lay her down on a play mat or bouncy seat if I sit right next to her and don't move. Her smiles do make it worth all the trouble, but I can't help but long for the day that she can entertain herself and I can do a load of laundry. How sad is that? I am longing to do a load of laundry!!
On a positive note....Riley is really growing. She can almost sit up and talks constantly. She has starting humming when she doesn't want to go to sleep. I like this a lot better than the crying. It's pretty cute when she can barely keep hers eyes open and she is humming as long as she can so she won't fall asleep. I guess to her, life is so exciting that she doesn't want to miss a single minute! Last night she ate solid food and didn't spit it all over herself. That was a huge milestone! She gets the funniest look on her face when she eats green beans. She can't decide if she likes it or not. She smacks her lips together and gets a real serious look on her face and then smiles so big that it's got to hurt her cheeks. I imagine anything tastes better than formula.
I do know that being a Mom isn't supposed to be the easiest thing I ever did. I don't expect it to all be smooth sailing. But, I do wish for the days to come where it seems like everything isn't completely out of control. I can't wait to be able to sit down and eat a meal without having to walk between bites because Riley is bored. I wonder where she gets that from????

These pictures make me feel bad for complaining. Look at that smile!!!
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