Callieann and Charlie Brown are my two little angels! I love them both so much. Everyone said that Dave and I wouldn't love our dogs as much once we had a baby. Nothing offended us and hurt our feelings more. And it wasn't true at ALL! We love them just as much and treat them exactly the same as we did before Riley got here. Here's a little about them both.

Brown dog came into our life after Dave and I got engaged. Dave wasn't nearly as crazy about dogs as I was and I thought if he got a puppy he would feel that connection that I did. He picked Charlie out from a rescue organization in Oklahoma and we drove to pick her up. We also convinced my sister, Leslie, to get a puppy for her daughter, Taylor. Charlie had one litter mate left and we picked her up as well. We named them Charlie Brown and Lucy. Charlie Brown is a girl. Yes, we know it's a boy's name and we don't care. My plan to make Dave a dog lover like myself worked......almost too good. He not only adores Charlie, she is his boss. What Charlie wants Charlie gets. Dave worships her. He carries her around like a baby, rocks her to sleep and would freakin' spoon feed her if she required it. I noticed when Brown was only a few months old that she smiles. It's not just her lips getting caught on her teeth or an overbite. She actually smiles. She peels her lips back and grins really big whenever she's excited or in trouble. It's so cute! Most people think she is snarling, but it's really a big, fat grin. Mrs. Brown is our bad seed. She does whatever she wants whenever she wants. She's very lucky she is so darn cute because otherwise she would have had to pack her bags and get out a long time ago.
These two dogs are the best of friends. They struggled to get along at first, but now can't survive without one another. They play together, sleep together, walk together. You name it they do it TOGETHER. Cal could sometimes do without Brown hanging on her neck, but I know she couldn't live a day without her little Brown Dog.

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