Riley Rae Brozenic was born on November 23rd, 2007 at 7:50pm. I was in labor for 17 hours (that was NOT fun!) and was ready for her to finally get here. I was not the glowing, happy, on cloud 9 pregnant girl most women are. I actually struggled with being pregnant. It was problem free and very smooth, but just hard for me to handle. I was never happier than when my water broke at 2:43 in the morning. After a very long day at the hospital Riley was born perfectly healthy. The second she was born I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was BEAUTIFUL!!! Dave and I worried that we would be one of those parents that thought their baby was cute when she really wasn't (we all know someone like that), but thankfully she was stunning (and we don't care if we are the only ones that think that!). I stared at her for several hours fascinated by her. Every move she made gave me butterflies. I couldn't stop touching her and kissing her. Dave held her constantly and was very proud. This was when his life finally changed. Mine changed the day I found out I was pregnant. His changed that day forever. We took her home two days later and started our life as a family.
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