Riley went on her first road trip over Labor Day weekend to visit Chris and Emily Stahl and their new baby, Grady. Chris is Riley's Godfather and hadn't seen her in a few months. Chris adores Riley and they both were very excited to see her. We were very excited to meet Grady. This was big for Riley because Grady could potentially be Riley's future husband. She was a bit nervous but relaxed once she saw how small he was. She knew then she could be the boss. When you're little the boss is determined by a size scale. The bigger kid is the boss.....everyone knows that!
Dave and I were super nervous about taking Riley on a very long car ride, but she did great! She took long naps and as long as I was in the back seat with her she was fine. We played and talked and then played some more. I can be pretty entertaining when needed. The only problem we ran into was a diaper explosion on the way home. It was bad. Real bad!! We went into a Panerato get some dinner when we realized that the back of her outfit was wet and brown (not to be confused with Brown Dog) and VERY stinky. Actually, stinky is an understatement. It was horrific! I took her to the bathroom to change her clothes and pants and they had no changing station. No changing station!! What kind of world to we live in where I can't change my daughter's horribly soiled pants in a public establishment that severs food??? We had to take her back out to the car and change her in the car. Did I mention we were in Columbia, a big college town, and there were plenty of people around to witness and smell this smelly event? Anyway, we got her changed and cleaned up and had a nice dinner at Panera. All was well until we got back in the car and I realized it had soaked into the car seat. Nothing kills a relaxing car ride like the constant stench of poo. Riley didn't mind it at all, however, I haven't been able to get away from the smell since. Every where I go I small poopy diapers. It's hard to live this way. Trust me, it is.
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