She finally did it! Riley is crawling. Her first crawl was on Tuesday morning and I was VERY shocked. I frantically ran around the house trying to find a camera, video camera, paper and pencil to sketch the event but couldn't find anything. It's pretty funny to watch her crawl. Her little legs sometimes get confused as to what they are supposed to do and she gets mad. She has already gotten pretty fast. If Callie has a ball anywhere in the room Riley is on it in a matter of seconds!
Now about me......I don't whether to laugh or cry about the crawling. I am so happy for Riley to have made this accomplishment, but part of me wants her to stop growing so fast. It is all coming too quickly. She looks so grown up crawling, and frankly, I don't like it. Well, I like her crawling because it's cute, but I don't like her growing up. It's just not necessary.
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