Riley is the tiny dot in the pink leotard.

Riley already wants to dress Van up.

Brown does a great job of watching over Van.

I know I start almost every post this way now, but I am sorry I haven't updated this in a long time. I really need to organize my time a little better. My life is crazy and hectic, but I sure do love to brag about my babies so here goes....
Riley is doing great! She is getting so big. She has started gymnastics and swim lessons. Gymnastics is going great. Swim lessons are not. She loves gymnastics. She is very good about following the teachers instructions (can't seem to bring those same behaviors home) and trying new things. I get such a kick out of watching her. She is really outgoing and has such a bubbly personality. She gets that from me....clearly. Swim lessons.....the good news is she really likes going. The bad news is she is most definitely the worst one in the class. We are making no progress. We are going to really work with her while at the pool on the weekends. She isn't scared of the water which makes a big difference. I know she'll get better.
Riley is also getting very good at "testing my limits". She is a very strong willed child. That's the nicest way I can describe her. I can appreciate her determination but it's very difficult to reason with her. Most of the time, it's funny. I have a hard time keeping a straight face. Baby is also developing a love for make-up and jewelry. It makes me so happy! I can't wait to shop with her! The fun we'll have.......... She is also such a good sister and adores Van. We are working on being gentle with him and sharing with him. I think they will be great friends!
Van is the best little boy ever! He reminds me so much of Riley. They could be twins! He is getting so big and handsome. He has the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. He sits up and plays by himself now which is a big help in the mornings. However, he refuses to roll over or grow teeth. Just like Riley. Callie has even been working with him on rolling over. She tries to show him how easy it is, but he isn't interested. He is sleeping much better at night and is slowly getting a solid schedule down. He insists on being held all day long. That's not an easy task for us and he spends a good amount of time throwing a fit while sitting on the floor. He is such a joy, though. I know for a fact that no woman could ever love him half as much as I do (so there's no point in even trying, ladies). I plan on being the only lady in his life forever. I'm sure he'll be fine with that.
Overall, I have the two best kids (and dogs). Even though I don't have time to do anything but chores, I wouldn't change it for the world. They all complete me.
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