We are so excited to finally show some of our first pictures of Baby Ivan! It's officially a boy and we couldn't be happier! He is healthy and doing very well. My due date is still Nov. 10th although they did say that I was measuring a little further along than that. I certainly wouldn't be upset if he decided to make an early debut.
I am very excited for Dave to have a boy. I have felt so lucky to have a little girl. Someone that I can really relate to. I can play with her hair and paint her nails and dress her up in pretty dresses. Not that Daddy doesn't worship his little girl, but I can't wait for Dave to have someone he can share all his "boy" traits with. I think we all know that Daddy is really excited about sharing the exciting world of golf with his little guy.
We haven't picked a middle name yet, but we do know that we will call him Van. As much as we love the name Ivan I also think the name Van is cool too. I always wished my name could be shortened to something but there isn't much you can do with the name Lisa. Dave has been given the task of picking Van's middle name. He is putting a lot of thought into it and it will be whatever he decides. He let me pick Riley's name and a new girls name if we had another one. Because he was very agreeable with me then I figure I can let him have the final say in Van's middle name.
The new baby's room will still be done in Dalmatians since Daddy did such a good job painting it for Riley. We are going to change it up a little but we haven't decided how yet. We are leaning towards adding firetrucks but our minds could be changed if we saw something that we liked better.
All in all we are feeling pretty lucky. A healthy baby boy will complete our already perfect family! I can't wait to meet Van!
1 comment:
So is his name just Van now? Or is it still Ivan and you are calling him Van? I'm confused. Either way, love it! He def seems farther along then the original due date! I'm very happy for you all and especially for Dave :). If he is a typical boy he will love all vehicles so I say def add those fire trucks to the wall!!! Looking forward to staying posted on that growing baby boy! What does Riley think? Congrats!
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