We are so excited to finally announce that Riley will be a big sister! We are expecting our second baby in November. I am a few days a way from the 2nd trimester. I've been a bit of a nervous wreck for the last 2 months so we decided to wait until I was further along before making any posts or big announcements. We had our second doctors appointment today and heard a healthy heartbeat. It's such a relief to hear that everything is going well! Just like last time we are going to find out what we are having. That won't be until July and it couldn't come soon enough! I am already dying to know if it's a boy or girl. We would truly be happy with both and have already been prepping Riley for a baby brother or sister. She has said every time that she wants a sister. I think she'd be happy with either. I have been experiencing more pregnancy symptoms this time which hasn't been fun, but it's at least made me feel like that means everything is OK. I have feeling sick, tired and had really annoying abdominal pain the first several weeks. It was really hard at first because the stomach pains had me pretty worried. Turns out that's pretty normal and just my bodies way of getting ready for what's to come. The last two weeks I have been feeling pretty tired, but other than that all is great! I'm not showing yet and am hoping I have a few more weeks before I have to wear the dreaded maternity clothes. I was not a fan of maternity clothes and I am actually going to try to avoid them all together this time. Some stretchy pants and shirts should do the trick! Who knows.....I may even let someone take my picture when I am showing this time!!
Congrats Lisa! So exciting for your family! :)
We are sooo excited! I know it totally sucks that the second pregnancy's symptoms are intensified. I have gotten all kinds of shooting pains with this one, that I did not have with Grady. You can take the intelligender test if you want to find out the sex THAT bad. However it has been known to be wrong so it will still keep you wondering until you get the revealing U-S. Still think it would be more fun to not find out this time but I understand not being able to wait. I have heard that kids have an uncanny way of predicting the gender, so if Riley says girl.....could be a girl! :)
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