The camel was a little pushy wanting the food!
We finally had nice weather on a Easter weekend so we took advantage of that and went to an Easter Parade at Zona Rosa. They had a petting/feeding zoo and Riley LOVED it! She is so much like her Mommy and loves all animals. She wasn't scared of them at all. She fed them out of her hand (don't worry! her hands were thoroughly cleaned after!) and even petted a few. I had just as much fun! There was a very pushy Camel that I loved. He just stuck his long neck out in the crowd and took every one's food. I hadn't ever seen a Camel that close and really enjoyed petting it. Taylor fed all the animals too and pet the Zebra. The Zebra was gorgeous and I could have stayed there all day with it!
After the petting zoo there was supposed to be a parade. However, whoever planned this parade has clearly never been to one nor did they bother to look up the definition to "parade" in the dictionary. There was no parade! There was a marching band and a slew of people trailing behind the marching band. That was it! It lasted all of 30 seconds. Luckily, the weather was great and we had a great morning walking around and shopping.
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