As expected, Riley had a wonderful Christmas! She got more than she could ever ask for. We all did! Christmas Eve started off a little shaky because of the weather. We had to cancel our annual Christmas Eve dinner with the McLean family. We ended up spending the evening at home waiting for Santa. I tried to get cute pictures of Riley in front of the tree and fireplace but she wouldn't sit still. We ended up with some cute pictures of her throwing a fit! We woke her up early on Christmas morning and, of course, she was in a great mood. I would say that Riley was a bit shocked when she saw her slide. She just stared at it as if it couldn't possibly be real. Once she realized it was really for her she went up and down the slide as many times as her little feet would let her. We did get her to open her presents from us and from Grandad and Mimi, which she enjoyed, but continued to squeeze in a trip down the slide between gifts. We packed it up shortly after that and headed to Grami and Papa McLean's house. The weather was pretty bad so it was nerve racking (for me) to drive over there. Riley got a tri-cycle from Santa there and TONS of other gifts. She got everything you could imagine! Clothes, shoes, toys, hair accessories.....the works! Dave and I also got some pretty great gifts from Santa. A new printer, luggage, and a TV for Dave's office (yes, he thinks he needs a TV in his office) along with lots of other great gifts. After several hours there we headed to Grandma and Papa Brozenic's house. Riley got toys to leave and Grandma and Papa's house and a new table a chair set for home. She loved the table and chairs! That will get a lot of use in our house. We had a wonderful meal while Riley napped (perfect timing) and then played the Twilight "Scene It" game which i should have won, but our nephew, Baline, took that victory. We got home around 5 and relaxed for the rest of the evening. It was a great day! Riley was in good spirits all day and had a great time with her grandparents and cousins. Another Christmas done! Thank you to all our family for everything you shared with us over this holiday. We feel like the luckiest people in the world to have so much family very close to us. We love you all and can't wait to do it all again next year! Thanks, also, to our family in Texas (Grandad and Mimi) and Oklahoma (The McFaddens) who sent great gifts for us! We miss you all and love you!
10 years ago
1 comment:
Someone was a spoiled baby this year! Hugs and kisses Riley, can't wait to see you soon!
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