I'm sure this post will likely open me up to some ridicule, but I don't care. This is completely unrelated to Riley, but I feel obligated to say that I am deeply saddened by the loss of Micheal Jackson. My first cassette tape was MJ's "Off the Wall" and I spent hours sitting in my room singing every single song. I listened to it so many times I had to ask for it again for a birthday gift because I had warped the first copy. One of my fondest memories as a child was getting to watch the making of "Thriller". It didn't come on until midnight and my Mom made my sister and I go to bed and then woke us up at 11:50 so we could watch it. I thought it was the single best creation of a song I had ever heard. I asked for the album for my birthday...again and listened to it nonstop. From then on I was a a die hard MJ fan. I watched all his videos and bought all his tapes/albums/CD's. I sat glued to the TV when he preformed is famous moon walk on the Music Awards to Billie Jean. My very first concert was the "Bad" tour when I was 10 years old. I saw it at Kemper Arena and I'll never forget that night. It was hysteria at the show but it was so AMAZING!!! I still remember being so shocked that my Mom spent $25 on tickets. We had the 19th row!!! She bought four tickets and my sister and I couldn't believe that she spent so much money for us to see it. Little did we know that we would never see those kind of ticket prices again!! I will always enjoy his music and I will continue to be a fan forever. I can't wait to dance in the living room with Riley to his "Greatest Hits" CD! Riley clearly has music and dance in her blood and I know that she will also appreciate Michael for his amazing music.
Perfect Lisa, you said it. I got to watch the memorial today online while at work and I shed some tears didn't think I would be some of the parts I just couldn't help it... Its amazing I have the exact same childhood memories.
I was never that passionate about anything growing up and never understood and still don't understand the people who scream and cry at concerts. However I did and still do love MJ's music! It is almost un-American to not love his sound! He definitely made an impact on pop culture and will continue to be a legend! RIP MJ!
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