Dave and I are at our wits end with feeding the Baby! She WON'T eat anything easily. I'm sure we are having the same problem that many parents have, but it's super hard. We have to trick her into eating and we are running out of ideas. Some days she eats well and other days she will barely eat at all. The Baby spends most of her time throwing her food and feeding the dogs. Brown and Cal now spend "dinner time" outside. They race into the house to clean up the mess as soon as Riley's done. We are really struggling with getting her to eat healthy. Dave struggles more than me. I tend to give up easier and give her eggs or mac and cheese. Dave is very concerned about making sure she gets enough healthy foods. We have started giving her a vitamin supplement and that makes us feel a little better. However, I am ready to be done with the picky eater. Food is wonderful and it is beyond me why she doesn't gobble it up like Mommy and Daddy do! I certainly don't want to wish away any part of the Baby growing up, but I look forward to the day that we don't have to dodge a fist full of peas.
10 years ago
I don't know how I was at her age but I was a very picky eater! I would only eat plain things. I really would only eat plain spaghetti and peanut butter and honey sandwiches. It was not until high school that I began taking more interest in food. HA HA don't worry she will come around....one day. I still hate peas though!
There are a lot of cookbooks out there for picky eaters. You just have to get creative and trick them. Although I am sure that is easier said then done :).
When you get to the beach, I'm sure she will eat lots of sand...Hm-mm....I think that falls in the "roughage" category on the food pyramid. Looking forward to catching a glimpse of you in FL!
Can't wait to see all of you as well. And show you what it's like around dinner time. :)
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