Riley turned 9 months old this last weekend. We can't believe how fast she is growing. I know what you're thinking...."She's probably crawling by now", but that would be a false statement. We are very close to crawling. Riley can back up faster than anyone I've ever seen. One minute she'll be in the middle of the room and the next minute she's backed up against the wall. I am enjoying the last few days of not crawling. At least now I can keep her somewhat contained.
We had a doctor's appointment today and Riley weighs 17 pounds and is 28 inches long. She is tall and skinney! I was sure she weighed at least 20 pounds. She sure feels like it when I'm walking her around the living room trying to get her to fall asleep (while Daddy plays stupid Fantasy Football ALL NIGHT LONG....Bad Daddy!). Overall, Riley is perfectly healthy. We didn't get any shots today, thank goodness, but the next visit at 12 months she has to get several shots and her blood drawn. Sounds like one of the grandparents will have to take her to that appointment as Daddy and I are not comfortable with Riley getting her blood drawn. I have a feeling I will loose plenty of sleep over this prior to the visit!
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