Thursday, August 28, 2008

Callieann is 5 years old

My precious, perfect, stunning, intelligent puppy Callie is 5 years old this month! She actually turned 5 on August 12th. I would appreciate that no one tell her that I am just posting this. It might hurt her feelings.

Brown and Cal are so good with Riley. She adores the puppies! She really wants nothing more than to hold onto Brown's tail or Cal's leg, but they would rather she just look and not touch. My Mom's 100 dogs are much better about letting Riley play with them. They just sit there while Riley tugs on their ears, collar, name it. However, Brown and Cal are very good with Riley. They have NEVER snapped at her or scared her. They love to give her kisses. She doesn't care for the kisses as much, but Cal won't take no for an answer. Brown has so much trouble with her ears that she constantly wants to clean Riley's ears. Brown hates the idea of Riley dealing with ear infections. Isn't that thoughtful?

The baby is 9 months old!!

Riley turned 9 months old this last weekend. We can't believe how fast she is growing. I know what you're thinking...."She's probably crawling by now", but that would be a false statement. We are very close to crawling. Riley can back up faster than anyone I've ever seen. One minute she'll be in the middle of the room and the next minute she's backed up against the wall. I am enjoying the last few days of not crawling. At least now I can keep her somewhat contained.

We had a doctor's appointment today and Riley weighs 17 pounds and is 28 inches long. She is tall and skinney! I was sure she weighed at least 20 pounds. She sure feels like it when I'm walking her around the living room trying to get her to fall asleep (while Daddy plays stupid Fantasy Football ALL NIGHT LONG....Bad Daddy!). Overall, Riley is perfectly healthy. We didn't get any shots today, thank goodness, but the next visit at 12 months she has to get several shots and her blood drawn. Sounds like one of the grandparents will have to take her to that appointment as Daddy and I are not comfortable with Riley getting her blood drawn. I have a feeling I will loose plenty of sleep over this prior to the visit!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Congrats Chris & Emily Stahl!

Chris and Emily welcomed their first baby, (Riley's future husband) Grady, this morning. We are so happy for them and can't wait to meet him. He is healthy baby boy and Mom and baby are doing well.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Lovin' summer!

Riley loves going to the pool! She gets so excited when she sees water. She starts kicking like crazy and can't wait to get into the water. She'll play in her floaty or kick and splash while one of us is holding her. She likes to watch all the other kids jump around and play. Mommy gets a little stressed when bigger kids splash around her and get a little too rough. Sometimes it makes Mommy want to grab those strange kids by their throats and teach them how to behave around small children...........but then I take a few deep breathes and remember that I can't "discipline" other people's kids. Riley doesn't seem to mind all the commotion. I think she will be quite a good swimmer. Watch out Micheal Phelps!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Proof we're working on crawling. This is what it looks like before we make a nose dive into the carpet.

I'm pretty from every angle!

Don't be jealous, people. God can't make everyone this gorgeous. Only the special people. And, Lord, we got a special one!

Funny face

You can't tell, but Riley is snorting. It's her new thing. We think it's hysterical!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Making their first appearence.....#1 and #2

You saw them here first! Here are Riley's first teeth. It took quite a few pictures before I was able to capture them in all their glory. They may be crooked, but aren't they gorgeous???

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Not one, but two TEETH!

This baby has two teeth! Right after one sprouted another followed right behind. Riley should have her two front teeth completely in very soon. Both teeth have broken through the gums. We are very excited! Not that she has teeth, but that maybe......just maybe.... the horrendous drooling will stop. Riley has had a bib on for about 5 months now. She is like a leaky faucet. It never stops!! Sometimes she purposely spits all over herself (and Mommy) just for fun. However, with some teeth blocking the path that should ease up.

Riley is also making good headway with crawling. She can get up on all fours and hang out there for a few seconds before flopping on her belly. Personally, I am a little scared at the idea of her crawling. Our life, as we know it, will completely change. I already spend most of my morning picking her up every 17 seconds because she simply won't settle for a toy that's right in front of her. She's already bumped her head a few times trying to get around. She did it once at Grandma and Papa's house (I never saw Papa move so fast!!) and a couple times at home, but she quickly gets over it as soon as she sees something shiny just out of her reach. I can only imagine what it will be like once she's mobile!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Someone has a tooth!

Riley finally let a tooth break ground! It's barely showing, but it should be in full view in a few days. She had a little sharp bump for a few days and this morning it finally showed up! Mommy and Daddy are very happy! Riley tried her hardest to keep it from happening, but she will have teeth after all. Pictures to follow....