Riley is 7 months old now and still has no teeth. Not one! Honestly, I don't think she's evening trying to grow any. She loves her soft baby food. She loves to gum graham crackers and chew on soft toys. I think she's perfectly content never having any teeth. I keep telling her that she will feel a little awkward once she gets in school and everyone else has teeth and she doesn't. I'll keep working on her.....
Riley can do one pretty amazing new trick, though. She can stand on her own!! We skipped rolling over and I'm pretty sure we are going to skip crawling. Her feet go a million miles a minute and I have a feeling that she thinks crawling is for wimps. We can put a toy on the coffee table and she'll stand there and play with it for 10 or 15 seconds. Of course, then she see something shiny somewhere else and goes for it. That causes her to fall on her bottom. She isn't pulling herself up yet. Daddy sets her by the table she she simply holds herself there. It's pretty cool to see!
Riley has also discovered a love for the camera. She can be sitting in her high chair working up a fuss and once she sees Mommy with the camera we become all smiles. I'm wondering if that means she needs to be in commercials or something. Is that a sign? She won't quit smiling for the camera. She LOVES it! And I have to admit, so do I. I'll just keep snapping away for all of you to enjoy!
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