Brown and Cal had a rough weekend. Both pups were suffering from doggie issues. Charlie Brown had a bad ear infection and Callieann had something wrong with her nose. Both dogs were worrying us and needed their annual shots anyway, so we loaded them up in the car and took them to the vet. As usual, Brown had to be chased all over the yard to get her harness on her and Callie had to be drug to the car. Our dogs have some serious issues with the car.
Cal's nose had been pretty dry for a while, but last week it started to crack and bleed. I was very concerned that she was sick and knew we better get it looked at. Callie is an extremely energetic dog (that's putting it mildly) and didn't seem to be slowing down at all, but I still wanted to make sure she was OK. She was first at the vet's office. She took her shots like a champ and the doc gave us some antibiotics for her nose. Like a perfect angel she hopped off the table to let Brown get her check up.
Charlie's ear had been bothering her for quite a while. Every time she would scratch her ear she would squeal in pain. It eventually got to where if we barely touched her ear she'd flip out. Those of you who know Brown know that she is a very vocal dog. When I say flip out, I mean scream like you were ripping her limbs off. Brown was a hysterical mess once she got on the table at the vet's office. They gave her 3 shots and by the 3rd one she completely lost it. Next they had to clean her ears. I tried to hold her, but she was violently fighting to get away from the cotton ball. Dave had to finally step in and hold her. She was so hysterical that every person that worked there came into the room to see what in the heck we were doing to that animal. No one hid their laughter once they realized she was just getting her ear cleaned out. She continued to scream like they were pulling her toe nails out one at a time for the next few minutes. Once it was clean they put medicine in it. Turns out Brown had a bacterial infection in her ear. They rubbed cream in her ear canal and she just laid her head on Dad's shoulder and whimpered. She continued to whimper for the next 10 minutes. It was this long drawn out whimper coming from the bottom of her throat. She sounded like she was dying. It was pretty embarrassing.
After all this, we finally got them home and Brown has milked this ear infection for all it's worth. Her ear is almost all better and doesn't seem to hurt anymore. Cal's nose doesn't look much better and we may have to take her back and see if it isn't something else. These two dogs are a lot of trouble sometimes, but we sure do love them! There's nothing we wouldn't do for them. Love you girls!!