There's nothing like a Brown Dog. Charlie Brown is such a unique puppy. What Callie doesn't have, Brown makes up for. She is the cutest puppy I've ever seen and by far the sweetest. She can snuggle like no other and, as many of you have seen, she smiles. She refuses to allow it to be photographed or video taped. She is not interested in stardom, which it would surely bring if captured on film. She doesn't like people coming around and prefers other dogs to stay away, but isn't confrontational. She would just prefer it be her and the family. She LOVES Van. Has since day one. She likes to sit right by him and will let him pet her. Van is much more gentle than Riley and I think Brown senses that. Plus, she actually fetched a ball a few times! She really did! We are considering calling her a real dog now. But just considering.......
10 years ago