Van loves sitting in his Bumbo seat. Riley didn't care for this seat as much but Van likes to sit in it and look at himself in the mirror. He knows how cute he is and likes to admire the view. He prefers to be able to sit up and see all the action around him. He is doing so good! His 4th month check up went really well. He has a huge head (which I already suspected) and everything else measures perfectly normal. He weighs 14 lbs and is 24 inches long. He feels huge!! He is the smiliest baby I have ever seen. He smiles every time you look at him. I love it!! He has started going to a new babysitter 2 days a week and it is going really well. There is a 10 month little boy that Van loves. I think they will be great friends. The babysitter lives in our neighborhood so it's really convenient for us.
One last piece of exciting news.......Riley is 99% potty trained! We never thought the day would come! It took us a very long time but one night at Grammy's house she decided it was time to make the leap. She's been almost perfect since then. I am so happy and have already got her on a waiting list for gymnastics. We need to work on her coordination before we get into dance classes. Yea for Mommy!!