You can't tell by this picture, but the Baby is in her terrible two's!! It has been complete craziness at our house. The good news is that she loves Barney (I don't know if that's good or bad news) and as long as Barney is on we have a chance of getting a happy Baby. She is very demanding and has a pretty bad temper.
Riley and I went to Oklahoma to visit my sick Grandpa. He hadn't seen Riley since November so I knew I had to take her to visit. She was pretty good on the way there and had fun in the hotel room, but when she woke up on Monday morning all that went out the window. She spent the entire day throwing a VERY dramatic fit over everything. What made her happy one minute would make her extremely mad the next minute. After an entire day of crying we finally made it home around 7pm Monday night. That was simply a glimpse into what we are experiencing on a daily basis. Riley is the best and hardest thing I have ever dealt with. It's a good thing I love her more than anything in the entire world!!
Riley has also started going to a part time babysitter two days a week. That has been AWFUL! She hates it. I feel so sorry for the new sitter because Riley cries the entire day. There's no explaining how hard it is to leave her there. Dave took her the first two times and refused to take her the third time. I took her on Tuesday morning and it stomped all over my heart. I have never had to walk away from my baby girl while she was screaming and reaching for her Mommy. When I went to give her a goodbye kiss she grabbed my shirt and held on tight. I had to pry her hands off my shirt and leave. It was all I could not to stand in the driveway and scream myself. Even though she is very difficult right now the thought of her being scared and sad just because she is without me is almost more than I can bare.
Riley is officially a year and a half old this week. Please stop growing, Baby. Mommy can't take it. Actually, please out grow out of the "Terrible Two's", but please stay the size you are. I would appreciate it.