Ok, so there's still no teeth. The low fever Riley ran was a dirty trick. She still refuses to grow teeth. I am even having dreams now that she has teeth. Another dirty trick my mind insists on playing. I guess we'll just hope and pray that someday, somehow Riley will join the rest of the 8 month old babies and have a tooth.
However, we are learning to crawl! Right now it's more of a lunge forward and flop on our face then flip over move, but it's a start. She whacked her face pretty good last night and got her first boo boo. She milked that for all it was worth. Her cry is so cute! Don't worry, people, I didn't let her sit and cry. Mommy kissed it and made it all better. It's going to be a whole new world once she is mobile. It's hard right now to let her sit alone because she will NOT sit still. She wants every toy that is just out of her reach. She stares the toy down for a second and goes for it. I spend a majority of the time sitting her back up so she can try again.
Riley is also experimenting with sounds. She cracks us up with all the sounds she makes. She does this funny laugh that I can't even begin to describe. You have to hear it to believe it. Still no mama or dada, but we keep our fingers crossed that it will happen any day.