Riley had a great Christmas. She got more toys and clothes than she knows what to do with. (Check out the bed head!) It was a very long day for her but she did great. Riley wasn't really into the gifts. She didn't even care about the paper. She did have fun playing with the toys once they were opened. I suppose she can't be bothered with the details of tearing through the paper. Why not let Mommy and Daddy do that and then had her a toy that is primed and ready for serious fun? Dave and I were very excited to have our very first Christmas morning with our daughter. We woke up early so that we were ready to start the day before she got up. We spent some time opening gifts at home from Santa and then headed to Grammy and Papa's house (my parents house). Riley had the largest stocking at Grammy and Papa's house that I had ever seen. We had a yummy breakfast and opened tons of presents. We went to Grandma and Papa's house (Dave's parents house) and opened more gifts and had lunch. Riley watched Telletubbies most of the time. She got a new Telletubbies video from Santa that Dave and I are super excited to least that's what we're telling her. We finished the day off eating some turkey at my mom's and taking the rest of our gifts home. We spent as much time as we could handle playing with gifts at home before Riley had to crash. Overall, it was a great day for the Brozenic family. Every year will get more and more fun. We can't wait!
Friday, December 26, 2008
The Baby had a great Christmas
Riley had a great Christmas. She got more toys and clothes than she knows what to do with. (Check out the bed head!) It was a very long day for her but she did great. Riley wasn't really into the gifts. She didn't even care about the paper. She did have fun playing with the toys once they were opened. I suppose she can't be bothered with the details of tearing through the paper. Why not let Mommy and Daddy do that and then had her a toy that is primed and ready for serious fun? Dave and I were very excited to have our very first Christmas morning with our daughter. We woke up early so that we were ready to start the day before she got up. We spent some time opening gifts at home from Santa and then headed to Grammy and Papa's house (my parents house). Riley had the largest stocking at Grammy and Papa's house that I had ever seen. We had a yummy breakfast and opened tons of presents. We went to Grandma and Papa's house (Dave's parents house) and opened more gifts and had lunch. Riley watched Telletubbies most of the time. She got a new Telletubbies video from Santa that Dave and I are super excited to least that's what we're telling her. We finished the day off eating some turkey at my mom's and taking the rest of our gifts home. We spent as much time as we could handle playing with gifts at home before Riley had to crash. Overall, it was a great day for the Brozenic family. Every year will get more and more fun. We can't wait!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Lazy dogs
Baby playing with her puppy
Brown and Baby play really good together. I always love the opportunity to show how good my dogs are with Riley. She will pick up one of their toys and follow them all over the living room trying to get them to play with her. Every once in a while Brown will entertain the offer.
Look at all the teeth!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas!

I am sorry to say that I won't have any pictures of Riley with Santa this year. We went to see him at Metro North Mall (yes, we actually went there) and as soon as we managed to find the end of the ridiculously long line there was a sign cutting off the line because apparently Santa needs a lunch break. Whatever Santa! Luckily, Riley could care less at this age so we had no melt down. My sister, Leslie, was not so lucky. She had to return the following day and wait 2 1/2 hours. Dave and I decided we would pick that tradition back up next year.
The Brozenic family would like to wish everyone a safe and Merry Christmas. We love you all and can't wait to see what 2009 brings all our families!
Monday, December 15, 2008
And now.......OMG!
I wouldn't normally use OMG, but there isn't any other way to describe this. This is the first video we took of Riley walking. She can actually walk across the room now, but I thought the first video was the most important to share. She took a few steps at Grammy and Papa's house on Saturday night and by Sunday afternoon she was strolling like she'd been doing it for weeks. She still has a bit of a wobble, but who cares! She's the best walking baby I've ever seen. She looks so grown up. This is, by far, her biggest accomplishment. Dave and I couldn't be more excited. Although, now I am really going to have to keep an eye on her. No more lying on the couch for hours eating bon bons and watching soaps.
Cute hair!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Dancing Queen
Many you have had the pleasure of witnessing Riley dance. I think her dancing skills are proof that rhythm is in your blood! She starting grooving when she first learned to sit up. Dave insisted it wasn't possible, but then he saw it for himself. Anytime she hears music she dances. The beat takes over and she looses control. She gets that from her Mommy. Sometimes the music is only in her head and she has no choice but to go with the rhythm. I can't wait to get her into dance classes. I was so worried she wouldn't be a dancer. Luckily I didn't have to wait long to see if she could move!
Bouncing Baby
Here is the exersaucer that Grandad and Mimi got Riley for Christmas last year. It was such a life saver for a long time. She would bounce in that thing for 20 minutes which made all the difference in the world when you had a baby that didn't want to be put down! It was so funny watching her in it. I was suprised she didn't fling herself out of it. She still sits in it occassionally when one of us needs to shower and the other isn't home.
An old video
I finally figured out how to get videos on here. Get ready to see more of them!! This is Riley when she first started making sounds. You can't hear them but you can see her first attempts at communicating. It was such an amazing time. I believe she was 4 months here.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
What a year!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Guess Who's One!
Riley turned one on Sunday, November 23rd. I am still in shock that my baby is one year old. It has gone by so fast. I am not an emotional person, but it really tugs at my heart strings that she has already been in our lives for one whole year. It has truly been the best year of my life. Dave and I are so blessed to have Riley. She is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to either one of us. Every day I think how much my life has changed.....for the better. Riley brings so much joy and happiness to us that I honestly look forward to every day with her. I can't wait to celebrate many more birthdays. And I promise that I will let her pick her own birthday a few years.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Taylor and Riley
To clean or not to clean

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Count down to Riley's birthday

Riley insists on getting older. I have pleaded and begged for her to stop it. I even offered bribes, but she refuses. As you can see she is texting and moving furniture all by herself. My little baby will be 1 year old in a week and a half! It has all happened too fast. She was just a little, tiny, sweet baby and now she's this big girl that hardly needs me anymore. It's awful.....and wonderful.
Big Ball!

Thursday, November 6, 2008
My sweet puppies.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Pumpkin Butt
So many teeth.......

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Riley's Baptism

Friday, October 17, 2008
Riley's first word

Oh, and she says mama, dada and most importantly she says papa. Papa's are her favorite.
Isn't this picture the cutest picture of a baby EVER taken????
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Beach Baby

Funny hats.....and shoes

Just kidding about telling Riley bought her all these hats and that she lost them.......maybe.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Mom and her kids
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Mom and Don
Disney World

Monday, September 29, 2008
Baby's first plane ride

Friday, September 26, 2008
Go Chiefs!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
10 months old!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Brown at work

Being adorable is hard work